Thursday, March 28, 2013

Friday Fun #11 & Giveaway

I'm super excited to be a featured blogger for this weeks Feature & Follow Friday. Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee’s View and Alison Can Read and is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers.

Question of the week:
Tell us about the most emotional scene you've ever read in a book - and how did you react?

Bridge of Scarlet Leaves by Kristina McMorris is a very emotional book. Yeah, there are books out there that have sad parts in them but Kristina puts the readers on an emotional roller coaster ride the entire time. It doesn't help that the story is based off of the events that happened to the Japanese Americans after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. And that ending, good lord, I didn't know I could bawl my eyes out so hard over a book. The second I was finished reading this book I looked up the relocation camp that the characters go to (Manzanar) and found out it's a 5 hour drive from where I live. I haven't been there yet, but it's definitely on my "must list" of things to do before we move.


When did you start blogging?

I started June 2011.

What is your favorite part of book blogging?
Meeting all the new and awesome people to be honest. I would have never in a million years have thought that I would be able to talk with authors. I'm not going to lie, a big perk is getting to read books for free, especially ones that haven't come out yet but for me it's awesome to walk through a book store and say "Oh, she's really sweet." "He's hilarious! By far one of the coolest people out there." and then the occasional "That author's such a bitch. They're the one I was telling you about that blew up at that chick over her review."

What type of books do you mainly blog about?
I'm a romance junkie, which is funny since I used to make fun of those Fabio book covers when I was younger. Okay... so maybe I still do. I tend to find romance in all stories, for example, Han Solo & Princess Leia, Peter Parker & Mary Jane and Simba & Nala. So thankfully, I can read a wide variety of books and as long as there is a potential love interest, I'm all in. However, I always give authors of all genres a chance to spread the news about their books on my site. So even though I may review YA, NA, PNR, UF etc... you will still see some other genres pop up. After all, I feel like my "job" is to share books and even though they may not be books that I'd generally read, it doesn't mean that someone else out there wouldn't be interested in them.

What is your favorite book(s)?
My favorite series is hands down, Vampire Academy. The ironic part about that though is that I fought my friend when she urged me to read it. I really didn't want to read yet another vampire book. She persisted, bought the book for my birthday and not even halfway through the book I was ordering the rest of the series online.

What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging?
I suppose I could say that it saved my sanity. My husband's in the Marine Corp, so we move around quite a bit and it's not easy forging new friendships in a new area every couple of years. So for a while there, I was on the verge of making friends with the mailman just so that I had someone to talk to. Now, between my day job at the National Park where I talk all day to visitors and then coming home and typing up reviews/posts and chatting with everyone online, I'm officially all talked out by the end of the day. And as it turns out, even though I am not inviting the mailman in for tea and cookies, both he and the UPS man know me by name and flag me down if I drive by them when they have packages on their truck for me. I guess I order too much stuff online :-P

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on the feature! I haven't read Bridge of Scarlet Leaves but it sounds great! I'm adding it to my TBR! Thanks for the giveaway too :D New GFC follower.

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  2. Congrats on the feature! I haven't read that one but it sounds tragic! Old follower via GFC. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! ;D

  3. Congrats on being featured! I really enjoyed reading your interview. I think it's great making all these friends online that share our passion :D I haven't heard of the book you shared, but it sounds like a great answer. Here is my FF. New Follower :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

  4. Congrats on being featured! I'm a new GFC follower. Thanks much for the giveaway! :)

  5. CONGRATS on the Feature!!!! Hope you have a great day of New Followers

    Old Follower :)

    Michelle @Because Reading is better than real life

  6. Congrats on being the feature for the week!! I just adore your blog...its so pretty! :) Newest follower. I also just love romance too! Its my favorite love. I haven't read Bridge of Scarlet Leaves either, but it does sound good. Hope you are having a great weekend so far.

  7. I haven't read that book, though.

    But I am a new follower via GFC.

    Here's my FF

  8. Crazy. A person I work with, their dad was born in one of the camps. He said when his grandparents got out they completely americanized and dropped all of their Japanese culture. That is so sad to me, I can imagine the book is emotional.

  9. The subject of America's treatment of Japanese-Americans during WWII is one that seems pushed under the rug. Yes, it was terrible. Let's own up to it. Thanks for bringing this one to my attention. Fllowing via GFC and Twitter.

    Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat

  10. Congrats on being featured! That book sounds so good and I can imagine it is emotional. I have some clients who were sent to the relocation camp in Idaho, which is actually near where I grew up. I couldn't imagine going through that. I loved your answers above, especially about befriending the mailman. I couldn't imagine moving around that much. :-)

    Chelsea @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

  11. Congrats on being featured :)
    I haven't heard of this one but it sounds like a good one!

    old Follower.
    Check out my new blog

  12. I haven't read that book, but it sounds pretty emotional! Congratulations on being the feature! New GFC follower!

  13. Haven't read the book either but the interview was great. It is so much fun meeting new people and authors. Plus you get to read lots of books, either free or purchased but you can always find great ones. I haven't been doing it for long but I love book blogging.

  14. Congrats on the feature this week! I haven't read that book, but it sounds emotional! And yay for Vampire Academy for being your favorite series! It's definitely one of mine!

    New GFC Follower

    My FF

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  15. Haven't heard of this one, but I'll make sure I have tissues at hand if I ever decide to read it. Congratz on being the feature of the week! :)

    New GFC follower!
    Here's my #FF.

  16. Thanks Kristin for a fantastic giveaway and Congratulations for being a featured blog for Feature & Follow Friday. I love your replies in your #FF Interview. New Follower via GFC.

    Looking forward to reading your posts :D

    Here's my Feature & Follow Friday

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Congrats on being featured! I haven't heard of the book you mentioned but I'll have to check it out soon. By the way I see you've read Christine Wenrick's The Charmed, I loved that series! Are you a member of her street team?


  18. Congratulations on being featured. I'm not familiar with the book you featured but great response.

    New Follower.

    My FF @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  19. Congrats on being featured, awesome interview! New GFC follower
    Danielle @ Coffee and Characters

  20. I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds really good. Added it to my Goodreads. Grats on being featured. Thanks for sharing. New Follower. Here is my FF:

  21. Congrats on being featured! Love your blog! I don't know that book but it sounds very interesting.

  22. Congratulations on being featured! I loved your answers. I never heard of the book before though. I would go check it out but I'm scared if I read it I'll be an emotional wreck. lol.
    Thanks for the great giveaway too!

    New Follower

    Here's my FF!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  23. Congrats on the feature! I haven't heard of this one but gosh it sounds tragic. I just might add it to my TBR. Loved your answers =)

    Do stop by my FF.
    New GFC follower!

    Happy Friday!

  24. Loved your interview! feel I know you a bit better. Happy to follow. You can find my FF at:

  25. Congratulations on being the Feature Blogger. I haven't read Bridge of Scarlet Leaves but it sounds fascinating...

  26. Congrats on being featured!

    New follower!
    My FF

  27. Congratulations on being featured, I'm a new follower. Have a great weekend!

  28. Congrats on being featured!! New follower via GFC :)

    I cried over this book: Goldie's FF

  29. Congrats on being featured!! New follower here :D

    I haven't heard of this one but now I'm highly intrigued and it's definitely going on my TBR list!

    Here's my Follow Friday


  30. Congrats on getting featured!
    I've not come across this book but it sounds good!
    New follower.
    My FF :)

  31. Cool! I think I'll check the book out! I'm a new GFC follower.

  32. Congrats on being the feature! New Follower!

  33. Congratulations in getting featured! :)
    I haven't read that book but i can see why it would affect you like that. You should definitely visit there before you move!
    *new GFC follower* :)

    My FF

  34. Congrats on being a featured blogger this week! I'm a new GFC follower.

    Your making friends with the mailman comment made me laugh! Sometimes I would rather spend time in a book then talk to actual people...fictional friends are easier to handle. HA!

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  35. Hi! Congrats one being featured :D I'd never heard of Bridge of Scarlet Leaves so I'm off to check it out! Thanks for sharing!

    Old follower via GFC, new follower via Twitter ♥
    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  36. Haven't read this book yet. Anyways, congratulations on being featured.
    New follower. My #FF :

  37. New follower via Goodreads. Congratulations.

  38. Congrats! on being featured.

  39. Never read the book before but that does sound emotional! New follower :)
    my blog:

  40. Great answer -- haven't read this book but now am interested!!

    Old Follower

    My FF

  41. Congratulations on being featured!

    New follower via GFC :)
    Jodie @ Moringoreviews

  42. Congrats on being featured today, Kristin! Great interview!

    Bridge Of Scarlet Leaves sounds like something I'd love to read. I love reading about history in books and the whole American attack on Japan still makes me shudder. Great answer, I'll be sure to check out the book!

    New follower via GFC!

    The Readdicts Feature & Follow Friday

    Happy reading! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  43. New Follower! Congrats!

  44. Congratulations :)I've never read this book, but it's going on my TBR pile now :D
    New follower :) Here's my very first F&F : Maria's Bookshelf - F&F #1

  45. That sounds like a really good book. New GFC follower. My FF Shirleyisnotmyname

  46. CONGRATS ON BEING A FEATURE! Wow, you've been blogging for almost two years! That is fantastic! :D

    New GFC follower!

    Here is my FF post!

  47. Hopping through. Congrats on being featured! I haven't read that book but it sounds like something I'd really enjoy.
    My Hop

  48. Hello How are ya? Im your new follower via google. Here's mine:

  49. Sounds like an interesting book! :) Following your blog as well!

  50. Hi! Great blog! Definitely following! Here's mine:
    Amy xxx

  51. Congrats on being featured! :)

    New GFC Follower.

    My FF:

  52. Congrats on being the featured blog! I haven't read that book yet, but it sounds very interesting.

    New GFC Follower :)

    My FF.

  53. I have not heard of that book. CONGRATS on being the feature!

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  54. Congrats on being featured! Old Follower. Those are the best when it is real events.

    My FF

  55. Congrats on being featured and thanks for the giveaway!
    New follower via GFC.

    Here's my FF.
    Have a great day!

  56. Congrats on being featured and thanks for the giveaway!
    New follower via GFC. :)

    Here's my FF.
    Have a great day!

  57. Congrats on being featured. I've not heard of this book, but I'll have to look it up :)
    I'm a new GFC follower
    My FF

  58. Love the name of your blog, love the bag!! Seriously, I would have followed without the giveaway, since we're all booksniffers at heart. ;)

  59. Congrats on your feature! I agree with you - I never thought I'd get to interact with authors, and I was so nervous when I began. I'm lucky that all of them have been so awesome; I've heard some of the horror stories about a few authors giving bloggers a hard time if they get a less than stellar review, to put it mildly.

    I have a friend whose husband is in the army, and they move around a lot, too. She tells me the same things you said about being lonely at times and having to make new friends all the time. She usually is at home by herself. Her husband is in Afghanistan right now and won't be home until the fall. She moved back here with their daughter, and I'm glad she didn't choose to stay up in New York by herself.

    New follower by GFC, email, Facebook, and Twitter. (Can you say stalker much? lol) My FF

  60. New Follower via GFC! Great job on your feature!! Dude...your blog name is amazing(:

    My FF:


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