Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cover Reveal, Interview & Giveaway: Broken Gates by D.T. Dyllin

Broken Gates
(P.J. Stone Gates Trilogy, #2)
By: D.T. Dyllin
Publisher: Dragonfairy Press
Release date: May 24, 3013
Genre: New Adult/Paranormal Romance


P.J. Stone is a Seer who saw too little, too late.

In the past, her biggest worries were boys and school—but war has a way of changing things. Now, the alien Riders are trying to overrun the world. As the last of their kind, P.J. and her friends must find a way to save humanity before there’s nothing left to save.

After choosing a mate, P.J. hoped she'd have time to enjoy her love life. But with everything changing so quickly and major secrets revealed, who knows what the future will bring?

Welcome back to Book Sniffers Anonymous! I'm so excited to share the latest cover of the P.J. Stone Gates Trilogy.
Hello! *waves* I never get tired of visiting my favorite Book Sniffer on her blog, even though you're really not anonymous. lol

I was wondering, do you get a say in what your covers look like?
Actually yes , I do. One of the many reason why I love Dragonfairy . Although I think the cover artist Lindsay Tiry might not agree with me having a say being a great thing. I kind of drove her nuts with this cover. I emailed her constantly with my ideas and tweaks. "Can you maybe put more glass on the eye? Can you make it more sparkly? Hmmm...maybe use different stock eye? That shade of purple is a bit 'off' can you make it more violet and less indigo, but only on the side..." But I also help out. I found all the model stock images for both covers, and the dragon stock image for the Broken Gates cover. Don't worry, I already have "notes" for the third cover.

What made you want to do eyes for the covers?
I'm big into symbology. Hello...P.J. is a Seer. lol

I noticed that there's a different leading man on the Hidden Gates cover than on Broken Gates.
Is one Khol and the other Bryn? And who's the blonde chick?
I'm giving clues about the content of the book with the models. I don't want to say too much for that reason, but I will say the chick does not have blonde hair, but white hair. For more info. you're just going to have to read the book.

There are so many SciFi elements that blend together in this story, between the seer's world, dragons, aliens and then you mixed in the steamy romance on top of it all. How on earth did you come up with this trilogy?
I've talked about this several times on different blogs before, but I dreamt about P.J. and her world. I know a ton of author's say that but I get most of my coolest ideas that way. Some of the added elements that got tossed in there came to me from various my dragon tattoo. *shrugs* Besides that...well...I have a crazy imagination but really I just wanted to write something I would enjoy.

When I first came across P.J's story it was a self-published book but it's recently been published through Dragonfairy Press. What's it like making the switch?
In a nutshell, it's nice to not feel completely alone, you know just you and your book against the world. I like having a "team". But Dragonfairy Press is a super cool place to be published with, they let me have a lot more freedom than a lot of publishers would. Although I have had to make compromises on some things. Over all, I think we work well together because they're just as obsessed with some of the details as I am. And sometimes when I'm floundering they give me a push in the right direction. I have nothing but good things to report about signing with Dragonfairy. I got very lucky. 

For those who've read Hidden Gates, can you give our readers a hint or sneak peek of what happens in Broken Gates? I know you can't reveal anything huge but maybe just a little juicy detail that we get to look forward to?
Ummm...this is a toughie. Hmmm...Jenna changes her hair color? No? Not enough? How about...don't get comfortable with any of the relationships from Hidden Gates, because things are always changing in P.J.'s world. That's it. That's all you're getting. Muahahahaha! (That's my evil laugh.)

Thanks again for stopping by. I can't wait until Broken Gates comes out.
Thanks again for having me and for being a part of the cover reveal! Now go sniff some more books! :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting cover. I really love the color of it. And how great she got to have input on different aspects of it. That's really such an awesome thing. Sounds like a great publisher/group to work with.


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