Monday, July 8, 2013

Review: White Trash Beautiful by Teresa Mummert

White Trash Beautiful
(White Trash Trilogy, #1)
By: Teresa Mummert
Publisher: Gallery Books
Release Date: July 9, 2012
Genre: New Adult

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository
Cass Daniels isn’t waiting for her knight in shining armor. She knows that girls like her don’t get a happily ever after. Not if you live in a trailer with your mom, work at a greasy spoon diner, and get leered at by old men. Maybe that’s why she puts up with Jackson—her poor excuse for a boyfriend, who treats her like dirt. Cass has learned to accept her lot in life. That is, until he walks into her diner. . . .

His name is Tucker White, and he’s different from any man Cass has ever known. Tall, tattooed, and bad-ass gorgeous, he’s the lead singer of the rock band Damaged. From the moment they meet, Tucker sees something in Cass he just can’t shake. Something beautiful. Something haunted. Something special. And he’s determined to find out what it is—if only he can get her to open up and let him in. 

Cass has been dealt a nasty hand in life. After her father left her and her mother to fend for themselves, she found herself living in a trailer park, working at the local diner barely making ends meet, with a heroine addicted mother and boyfriend. But everything changes when a new guy shows up at the diner. Not only is he nice and good looking but he continues to come back to the diner to see her. Pretty soon she finds herself swept up in the Cinderella fairy tale.

Cass was definitely an interesting character. She has a lot of fight left in her considering how long she's been dealing with the abuse and I don't mean being surrounded by addicts. Her boyfriend beats her and always talks down to her. She pushes it off as the drugs talking but deep down she knows that without him willing to get help and change, he will never be the guy that she originally fell in love with. So when Tucker shows up and genuinely seems to care about her even though he doesn't even know her, she latches onto that little bit of hope.

Tucker was also an interesting character. We get to see him through Cass' eyes. When he comes into the diner he immediately recognizes Cass as someone who is in need of help. It doesn't help when her boyfriend starts man-handling her for money right there in the diner. So he makes it a point to keep coming back so that he can keep an eye on her. He takes it upon himself to be her protector.

"I know what it's like, Cass, to feel like nobody gives a shit about you. I also know that sometimes we need someone else to make us feel like we're worth something... to make us feel special, you know."

I really enjoyed this story. I can't say that I was overly surprised by what takes place in this book but it was a pleasure to read. I'm pretty excited that this is part of a series since I would love to know more of Cass' story. Not only that but I will definitely be checking out the author's other books. I like her simplistic writing style. She doesn't try to dazzle the readers with crazy descriptions or fancy words that you need a dictionary for. 

"If I wanted to get my life together, I needed to be my own white knight for once." -Cass

1 comment:

  1. I have this and I'm really psyching myself to read it. I think it'll be one of those facepalm books where I'd say I WISH I READ THIS SOONER! Fab review, I'll be on the watch out for those "predictable" moments.


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