Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Review & Giveaway: Barbie World by Heidi Acosta

Barbie World
(Baby Doll, #2)
By: Heidi Acosta
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: ? Summer 2013
Genre: YA

“One Night is all it took to change everything between Barbie and me. One night to potentially lose the girl of my dreams forever. How do I prove to her that she can trust me? That all I want to do is protect her carefully guarded heart. I need to prove to her that I want to be a part of her world. But How? ”

Dylan lost Barbie once before, now he is determined more than ever to win her heart and trust back. Easier said than done, especially with the new hot guy in town who is in a rock band and is the complete opposite of Dylan.

Barbie has been hurt beyond repair or so she thinks. It would be easier for heart to decide if she didn’t have to protect her little brother. And if Dylan would just put on a shirt! Dylan is not making this easy on her. It helps to have the distraction of the new guy in town cute bad boy Kai. But even though her heart is damaged it still knows what it wants.

When Barbie learns she has a family and with the help of Roxie and Kai, oh and Third and Dylan. They embark on a journey to help bring Barbie closer to a past she never knew existed.
Heidi Acosta brings you the heart felt story of friendship, love and heartbreak in the second book in of the Baby doll series Barbie World.

We pick up shortly where Barbie Girl ends. Barbie is now under the Guardianship of Dylan's parents. She's moving on with her life and trying to forget about Dylan, which is kind of hard since they live under the same roof. Dylan on the other hand is hell bent on winning Barbie back, regardless of the fact that he has a girlfriend.

I fell in love with these characters in Barbie Girl. I liked the rawness of Barbie and how she opened up Dylan's eyes as far as not always fitting in the mold when it comes to the cliques at school. So I was really disappointed in Dylan for going after Barbie while he has a girl friend. He would grab Barbie and start making out with her while his girl friend was in the next room. It just left a sour taste in my mouth. He hated being around his girl friend. Made fun of her and her friends when with Third and really didn't care for her feelings. He kept asking Barbie what he had to do to get her back. However, he wouldn't break up with his girl friend because 1) his parent's liked her and expected him to date someone like her and 2) he wasn't sure if Barbie would take him back. How about this Dylan? You do the right thing, and break up with the girl that you're stringing along and then maybe approach Barbie! The fact that this takes place throughout the entirety of the story really drove me nuts.

However, I still really enjoyed Barbie's character. She's really torn up over everything that took place in the previous book. The person she though she could trust, broke that trust and continues to hurt her every day. Not to mention the new situation she's in with living with a family who actually cares about her well being.

"I know that this is a fake sense of security that I am in. I'm not going to fall for it anymore. No one loves me. I was abandoned by my mother. The one boy I loved never really loved me back."

We also get more time with Roxie and Third. Third really steps it up in this book. He seems to take Barbie's side in the whole matter (as he should) and is there to protect her but at the same time, if there is a chance he can help Dylan out, he does. Aside from Dylan, the other characters in this book were a pleasure to read. Not to mention the added bonus of Kai which is a potential love interest for Barbie.

One other thing that detracted a point for me was the ending. It seems a bit rushed and then the epilogue comes at you out of left field. I felt like a lot of the back and forth between Barbie and Dylan could have been cut out to make room for the ending.

All in all, Barbie's story was a good one. She fought her way through life and survived.

"I want to see girls in bikinis just as bad as you, but while you are only lugging around a six pack, I have a whole keg to get up this hill." -Third

Previous reviews from Baby Doll series
Barbie Girl

 Heidi Acosta was born on Long Island, New York. Moving around a lot when she was younger, she has lived in New York, Arizona, New York (again), Washington, Georgia, and Florida, in that order. Each place offered her something special, but she will always consider New York her home.

Heidi started writing as soon as she could spell. When she was three, Heidi’s mother gave her a copy of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods; thus beginning her lifelong love affair with literature.

Writing soon also became a form of therapy for Heidi, when she realized that no matter what was happening in her life, she could find emotional escape while writing. Some of her earliest stories featured her as a princess who explored new worlds with her horse Buttercup. If it sounds romantic, it wasn’t, there was no prince charming in those fairy lands (boys where yucky).

Heidi now resides in Florida with her husband, very active daughter, one hyper Chihuahua, two sweet cats, and one very fat moody cat.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Ha Ha tell me how you really feel! LOved your review. I wondered a little about him in the first book about his relationship,I thought maybe he would wise up a little in the next book.

  2. That was fast, book 1 just got released early this year right?

  3. Great review, I've really been wanting to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    ~Veronica Vasquez~

  4. I said this on another blogger's review but I'm going to say it here too. I think Third needs a spin off book. He's great. Even when Dylan is being all douchey, Third is the rock. Love him!


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