Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Fun #12

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines. This is a Friday blog hop with the objective to find and visit other book blogs that share the same interest as you, namely books geared towards the 18 & over crowd, and make some new friends!

Question of the week: 
When you DNF a book or rate a book two 'stars' or lower, do you post a review for it on your blog? Have you ever emailed the author about it? 

Answer: It depends.

If the author contacted me to review it for them or if it's part of a blog tour I will contact them and let them know that it wasn't "my cup of tea". I will offer an alternate post with either sharing an excerpt or writing a guest post. Just because I didn't like the book doesn't mean that one of my readers wouldn't enjoy it. So I still give them the option to share their book on my blog while not ruining their blog tour or writing a horrible review about their book when they were nice enough to offer me a free copy. But even though it isn't on my blog doesn't mean I didn't review it on Goodreads.

However, if it's a book that I own or am reading on my own and I don't like it, then yes I will review it on the blog with a DNF or 2 stars (emotes).  I figure, I went out of my way to obtain this book, whether I bought it or borrowed it from the library.

Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee’s View and Alison Can Read and is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers.

This weeks activity:
Photobomb a picture with your favorite book.

Challenge accepted:

My oldest, Snickers with Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

I laugh in the face of photobombing Mwahahaha!

*Yes I'm a total dork and I don't mind making a complete fool of myself! 
Yes, I own two copies of the same book. The one on the left is the 20th Anniversary edition and the one on the right is the library copy that I borrowed when I first read it. A year later, they wound up selling their copy and I snagged it. I'll be making it 3 as soon as I can get my hands on a 1st edition.


  1. Haha! I just recommended this series to a few patrons who loved it!!

    Great photo!! New follower via Bloglovin


    1. I stumbled upon it but I've been in love with Jamie ever since.

  2. I love Outlander and I can'y wait for WIMOHB

    I'm hoping Starz does it justice. MY FF

    1. I know! I'm really hoping they do the book justice and it doesn't turn out cheesy.

  3. I haven't read either of these. Great photobombs though.

    1. They are a must if you like romantic time traveling books. LoL

  4. If I complete the book I review on my blog, although the lowest rating on my blog has been a 2. If I DNF a book I do not rate or review, but do add the reasons why I stopped reading on Goodreads and place it on my DNF shelf.

    1. Not a bad way to do it. I always rate books on Goodreads. It's how I know whether I should later continue a series or not.

  5. Love the pics! You are too funny. I haven't read either of these yet. New bloglovin follower. Happy Friday!

    Meredith’s Musings

  6. hahaha I love the pictures!!!

    Love the covers of those books!!!

    New follower Twitter & Facebook

    Have a great weekend

    Michelle@Because reading is better than real life

    1. I love how the 20th anniversary's cover is cushioned. There's no sleeve or anything.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love the green hair :)

    - Kritika at Snowflakes and Spider Silk

  8. I LOVE the green hair! And I don't blame you, I have 2 copies of Scarlet (my favorite book) An ARC AND a hard copy!

    And on my blog I can't comment back (-_-) BUT Scarlet actually does have quite a bit about Cinder and Prince Kai in it, even if it does introduce you to some new characters! You should definitely give it a try!

    Thanks for stopping by Take Me Away...

    1. I did not know that. I thought it was more Red Riding Hood (if I remember correctly). I will have to check it out.

  9. I love Outlander too! I have three versions (one in paperback, one in e-book, and one in audiobook). Love cute! Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

    1. I cannot for the life of me, get into audio books. The random persons voice always throws me off. LoL Thanks, Snickers is my little old lady.

  10. Love the pics and your Snickers looks just like my Tigger! Thanks for stopping by this week and have a great weekend!

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  11. Are you psyched for the upcoming Outlander tv series? I'm not always a fan of novel to movie/tv but this one looks good. Following you back on Bloglovin'

    1. I'm extremely psyched! I'm hoping that they don't mess it up. I loved the Twilight books but I cannot stand the movies (they make me cringe). I'm hoping they don't do that to Outlander.

  12. Snickers is so cute! Love Outlander too but had no idea they were making a TV series (please don't screw it up TV execs).
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Following via bloglovin' & Twitter.

    Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book

  13. Nice to see someone else went goofy this week! I was starting to feel I was the only one!

    New follower :)

    Thanks for stopping by mine and following!!

    Here's my FF

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

  14. Might have to check this book out. I love your pictures! I'm a new follower via Bloglovin'!

    You can find my FF here.

  15. I loved Outlander! I had no idea they were making them into a TV series. I LOVE the goofy pics too! Great hair and gorgeous kitty!! Thanks for stopping by The Happy Booker.

  16. Thanks for stopping by! I am following back now! :)
    Ashley @ Nook of Books

  17. You are so funny! :)) And I love your poses and even your cat's! Thanks for stopping by, Kristin! Happy weekend. :)

    Nina @ The Bookish Confections

  18. I haven''t heard of those before. Loving on the green hair and the kitty. Thank you for stopping by and hope you have an awesome weekend. Also, love the title of your blog!

  19. lol LOVE your photos! Outlander was soooo good, so I can understand owning three copies ;)

  20. Love the pictures ! And the name of the blog that I'm discovering just now ;)
    As a reader, I like to know why people didn't finish books, what they didn't like so I can find out if it fits into my own criteria or not.

  21. Haha great pictures! I have to hang my head in shame, becasue I've still not read Outlander...I don't even have an excuse!

    Also, great answer for the 18 & over hop. I've never really known what to do if I didn't like a book I've been given for review!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF! I'm an old follower :)

  22. Great pics Kristin! One of my fellow teachers was telling me to check Diana out. I will definitely get on that!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros


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