Friday, June 14, 2013

Review: Officer Off Limits by Tessa Bailey

Officer Off Limits
(Line of Duty, #3)
By: Tessa Bailey
Publisher: Brazen
Published: June 10, 2013
Genre: Erotic Romance

 Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
His need to possess her is non-negotiable.

Story Brooks’ fiancé just called off their wedding two weeks before the happy day. As if that isn't bad enough, her semi-estranged father, an infamous NYPD hostage negotiator, has suffered a heart attack. Not wanting to examine her lack of emotion over the broken engagement, she hops on a plane to reconnect with her father before it’s too late.

Playboy hostage negotiator Daniel Chase has never, not once, been refused by a woman, so when a debate over hospital snack foods with a delectable kindergarten teacher ends in flat-out rejection, he makes it his mission to seduce her. His only obstacle? She’s the daughter of his mentor who implicitly forbade Daniel from pursuing her.

Despite her father’s warnings and Daniel’s troubled past, Daniel and Story can’t resist their intense attraction to one another. But when the reason for her fiancé’s abrupt wedding cancellation comes to light, can Story and Daniel's already forbidden relationship survive?

Story just had her wedding called off by her fiance and in the same day found out that her father had a heart attack. So she flew from CA-NY to be by his side at the hospital. While looking for something to eat at the hospital's vending machine she meets Daniel. The same guy, who 5 seconds ago was hitting on the nurse, is now pulling his moves on her. They have a debate on whether she should get the healthy snack which could've potentially been sitting there for months or junk food which everyone eats, so therefor is "fresher".

"You've got your eye on that healthy cereal bar. It's a bad selection. Pick something else."
"No one buys healthy cereal bars. That's been there as long as the machine itself."
"Did you have an alternate suggestion?"
"Of course... Peanut butter crackers. You can't go wrong there. They're the best bang for your buck."
"You know, I could have sworn you were going to pick the trail mix."
"Oh, yeah? Why is that?
"Because you're both full of shit." 

After their run in at the vending machine, Story heads to her father's room and that's when they find out that Story's father is Daniel's mentor. Oh and that's also when Story decides to start calling him "Trail Mix" for the duration of the book. *GENIUS!*

This is one sexy story. Just like the other books from the Line of Duty series, the hero loves to talk dirty. It doesn't matter if they are in public or in bed, these smooth operators don't seem to have an off switch.

"Knowing these tan lines are hiding underneath your clothes drives me fucking crazy. The sun has touched you everywhere else. But only I get to touch you here."

There were a lot of steamy scenes but there's also back story about the characters, mainly Daniel, as the story progresses. He was raised in foster care and was told all his life that he'd never amount to anything. So as an adult he's learned to earn approval from people through sex. So when Story comes along and sees his faults and still finds pleasure being around him, he starts to reevaluate his life. Meanwhile Story had been dealing with an absent fiance before the breakup. So to have a man actually want to not only spend time with her but make her happy is something that she's not used to. Both of these characters were out of their element with each other.

There weren't a lot of surprises with this one except maybe the bomb that's dropped towards the end regarding Story's father. But lets be honest here, Tessa is an amazing author and she can write erotic romance like it's no one's business. I'm not gonna pull the wool over your eyes and say that this is a make-you-think-it-through Stephen King novel. Nope. It's a read-while-the-kids-are-in-bed kind of book. Better yet, send the kids over to their friends house for the day and dive right in.

It all started with Protecting What's His and I must say that I have signed up to read whatever Tessa comes out with next. If you're looking for a steamy new read than you have got to check out this author!

*You do not need to read these books in order. The characters don't interact with each other so these are great as stand alones.

"Oh and Jack said to tell you something... what was it? Ah... he said, 'If the Mets get anywhere near home base, it'll be the last game they ever play. I don't know a lot about baseball. Did that make sense?"

Daniel gulped. "Perfect sense." In other words, touch my daughter and die, asshole.

Tessa lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and young daughter. When she isn't writing or reading romance, Tessa enjoys a good argument and thirty-minute recipes.

Previous reviews from Line of Duty
Protecting What's His

His Risk to Take  


  1. TEEHEE, Kristin! This one sounds steamy, with a side of sweet at times. I love that it's sexy but with a backstory too, especially on Daniel's part. I may need to look into the first one!

    Molli | Once Upon a Prologue

    1. LoL I'm all about steamy but if that's all it is, I get bored. I need to have a back story to the spice. Otherwise, it's just words on paper.


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