Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Review, Top Ten & Giveaway: Werewolves Be Damned by Stacey Kennedy

Werewolves Be Damned
(Magic & Mayhem, #1)
By: Stacey Kennedy
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Published: April 15, 2013
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

 Nexi Jones—part witch, part guardian, and wannabe kick-ass warrior—can’t throw a punch or conjure the simplest magic. But that doesn’t stop her from hunting the werewolves who slaughtered her human family. She’ll have her revenge, but only if Kyden, the elite guardian, would get the hell out of her way.

Kyden can’t decide if Nexi wants to get herself killed or if she just has no clue what she’s doing. But her father made it clear: keep Nexi safe…or else. Of course, the more Nexi runs toward revenge, the more she needs Kyden’s aid, and as she grows into her power and confidence, so does his desire to protect her. The only problem? She’d rather he dropped dead.

But when a vampire paints a bull’s-eye on Nexi’s back, she’s hard-pressed to deny Kyden and the help he’s offering. Even if it means getting her revenge will be a little bit harder. At least it will still be as sweet.

The book starts out with the slaughtering of Nexi's parents. She's about to be kidnapped when two men wearing leather kilts show up and save her. Turns out that one of them is her biological father. Fast forward a month and Nexi is still grieving her parents and is ready to seek vengeance. Kyden decides to train her as a guardian in an effort to keep her from getting herself killed since she seems to like running off on these harebrained trips to avenge her family's death. However, as they train, people are showing up dead due to otherworldly encounters and it's the guardian's job to stop it.

I liked the world that the author created. There's a council who govern all the otherworldly factions and help keep the mortal clueless. When something happens the werewolves track the parties involved based off of the scent, vampires glamor any witnesses so that they have no recollection of what happened, witches help assist in any way that they can, for instance Haven (Nexi's bond sister) can recreate moments in time so that they can see what took place and the guardians hunt down the offenders and deliver justice. There were a few times where everyone pooled together at a scene of a crime where we could see this intricate dance take place.

I also, of course, enjoyed the romance aspect of the story. Kyden has been interested in Nexi since he rescued her at her family's home but he's held back. He knows Nexi has been raised as a mortal and he tries to adapt the ways she was raised at takes this slow with her. Only she seems to push too much on his protective nature and pretty soon they are establishing a relationship. The romance wasn't overly steamy, but it wasn't a closed door romance either... more like the door was cracked.

I liked the fighting in the story although I wish that it were more graphic. It seemed like everything in the story was pretty tame. The fighting was there but a fight would be in full effect and then Nexi would blink and the person would be on the floor dead. I just felt like the fight scenes were lacking in detail.

One thing I didn't really care for was Nexi's naivety. She's 25 and yet when tasked to walk into a strip club to question a perp, she gets all mortified. Not to mention that a couple of the guys get all grossed out leaving one guy to be a perv and watch the performances taking place. I mean, I'm not saying I frequent strip clubs but if I was a kick-ass guardian who has been to murder scenes, killed people and in order to save someone I knew, had to walk into a strip club, I wouldn't think twice. I would stride in there with my head held high making eye contact with everyone until I found the person I was looking for. 

"Rewind there, Daddy. You said I have magical powers, so what's the big deal? I'll voodoo some shit up, bring out my spidey-senses, and bam."

Stacey Kennedy is an urban fantasy lover at heart, but she also enjoys losing herself in dark and sensual worlds. She lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, who gave her a happily-ever-after. Together, they have two small children who can always make her smile, and who will never be allowed to read Mommy’s books. If she’s not plugging away at a new story, you’ll find her camping, curling up with the latest flick, or obsessing over Sons of Anarchy and Game of Thrones.

 Website | Facebook | Twitter

Ten books Stacey wished were made into movies/television shows

Thank you so much for having by today. It’s great to be here. First, let’s start with the no-brainer series for me, which are Keri Arthur’s, Riley Jenson series and Jeaniene Frost’s, Night Huntress series. As we all know, these fabulous authors have a couple of series that are set in the same worlds, like Dark Angels and Night Prince, and I’d go total fangirl if any of their series were made into television shows.

Another series I’d be lining up to get tickets for would have to be Katie Maclister’s, Dragon books. Seeing those smexy dragons on the big screen would be…enjoyable! Besides, I love Katie’s humor, plus mixed with alpha-male goodness and the action, and I just think her dragon books would make great TV!

Now, for the sexier type novels that I would LOVE to see made into movies are Sylvia Day’s, Crossfire novels and Cherise Sinclair’s, Masters of the Shadowlands. Sure, they would make for some seriously sexy movies, but I’d be all over it!

Others series that have my vote are Jennifer L. Armentrout’s, Lux series, and Patricia Briggs’, Mercy Thompson series. And of course, I have to say Nexi & Kyden’s books from the MAGIC & MAYHEM series. I know, it’s a shameless plug of my own books, but what can I say—I’d love to see it happen. What author wouldn’t? That’d be cool stuff!

So, you tell me, what books would you love to see made into a movie?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The romance and Nexi as a character sounds great.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  2. This sounds like a good read. Thanks for the excellent review and giveaway :)

  3. This sounds like a good read

  4. This is on my TRL. Love the cover and looking forward to reading this new series.
    I'd LOVE to see Pamela Clare's Mackinon's Rangers be made into a movie.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  5. Love this, =) can´t wait for my chance to read.
    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Wednesday!

  6. Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

  7. "more like the door was cracked" omg I love that. That's so fitting for some I've read lately. lol

    I've been really curious about this one. The cover so pulled me in. It does sound entertaining but I can totally get what you're saying about the fights, etc not being quite enough. Definitely been there.

    I'd probably blush like all get out walking into a strip club but yeah I'd so do it if that's what had to be done.

    Great review! Thanks for the heads up. It's going on the tbr list :)

  8. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

  9. I love paranormal adventure/romances. Great review!

  10. I am definitely adding this to my TBR list. Thank you for the amazing review and giveaway!

  11. Thanks so much for stopping by everyone, and for all the kind words! And thanks to Kristin for hosting! =)

  12. This sounds like a good read. I'll have to check it out.

  13. I agree with your list and would add Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series.


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