Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Review: Midnight Exposure by Melinda Leigh

Midnight Exposure
(Midnight, #1)
By: Melinda Leigh
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Published: Aug. 21, 2012
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

Point, click, die.

When two hikers disappear, their hometown in Maine blames the blinding storms. But the truth is far more sinister. Unaware of the danger, tabloid photographer Jayne Sullivan follows an anonymous tip to find the most reclusive sculptor in the art world. Instead, she finds sexy handyman Reed Kimball—and a small town full of fatal secrets.

Five years ago, Reed buried his homicide detective career along with his wife. But when a hiker is found dead, the local police chief asks Reed for help. Why was a Celtic coin found under the body? And where is the second hiker? Avoiding the media, Reed doesn’t need a murder, a missing person, or a nosey photographer. Then Jayne is attacked, and her courage is his undoing.

Reed must risk everything to protect her - and find a cunning killer.

The story starts off with two buddies who are wandering around the woods lost during a camping trip. They end up stumbling across some weird Druid ritual which ends in a human sacrifice. The story then fast forwards a couple of months to Jayne arriving in a small town (where everybody knows your name) for work. She's a photographer for a tabloid and her current mission is to get a photograph and identity of the famous sculptor who's identity is unknown. While scoping out a potential home of residence, she runs into Reed. She makes up some story that she's lost, he gives her gas and directions, and sends her on her way. Only it's not the last time they bump into each other and pretty soon the Druid sets his sights on Jayne for his next sacrifice.

I will be honest that the only reason why I read this story was because I was given a copy of Midnight Sacrifice for review and I knew that I had to read this one first since it involves the same group of people. I'm actually glad that I stumbled across this series because it's really good. I normally don't go for suspense but this one really got my heart beat pumping. There were a couple of times in the story where the house could've been on fire and I wouldn't have been able to move because the story was that tense.

"Bad things happened when he disobeyed.
He turned and looked across the few feet of space to his matress. So far. Too far. His body curled into itself, wrapped in the fear of an unknown fate. As his eyelids drifted shut, he felt his humanity slip further away."

There was also that hint of romantic interest between the two main characters that added another layer to the story. Jayne was attacked a few years ago and was the victim of a serial raper/killer, only she was able to escape and survive. Since then she's not let anyone outside of her brothers get close to her. Reed on the other hand is a widower who's running from his past. Which is why he dropped off the face of the earth, changed his name and started over with his son in a small town. Neither of these characters were looking for a companion but Jayne brings out his protectiveness and Reed is the only person who's ever made her feel safe.

This is the first book by this author that I've read but I look forward to continuing with this series. Even though there were some parts that were a bit lengthy and could have been shortened, I was sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time. 

"John's parents had thought he'd be safer attending college out here. Not. Didn't they know Stephen King was from Maine."

1 comment:

  1. I am always on a lookout for a good Romantic Suspense. This one is new to me , but I love the sound of the plot. Wonderful review!


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