Friday, May 31, 2013

Review: Centaur Rivalry by Nancy Straight

Centaur Rivalry
(Touched, #3)
By: Nancy Straight
Publisher: Self-published
Published: May 15, 2013
Genre: New Adult/Paranormal Romance

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
The Centaur world is rocked as news spreads of the Lost Herd, Camille's existence, and her Centaur protector. A death order against Camille's father and family sends all into hiding.

Camille and Drake leave the country pursued by the Lost Herd as well as by Centaur Council enforcers. Camille's twin brother Cameron is manipulated by the Council Head and is quickly becoming her newest enemy.

Amid unexpected new protectors, enemies, and romances, Camille and Drake make their plans to travel to Africa to confront the Centaur Council. They hope acceptance of Camille as Chiron's heir, yet knowing that her link to the Lost Herd could require them to kill or to be killed.

By far the best book in the series. There was a lot of action, mystery and game changers. Not once during this story was I bored.

We meet a couple of new people, Katherine and Jessica, who become a rather large part in the story. They help Cami and Drake out when they have a run in with some Centaur enforcers. We also get to connect with another one of Cami's brother's, Brent, who we didn't really get to know too well previously. He was the one who was the most upset with the way that Cami was raised as a human instead of a centaur. However, in this book, he becomes a bit more understanding towards new situations that he's not accustomed too. Oh and lets not forget Daniel! He's also a bit part in this story as well. I felt so bad for him though. He still carries a torch for Cami and hold out hope right until the end. Then he starts to fall for Jessica and when she turns him down he literally falls apart.

"A diversion. Something for entertainment purposes - that was me."

Even when everyone separates, we still get Daniel, Brent and even the newcomers pov's. So we are always in contact with what's going on with the other characters throughout the book.

There really wasn't any dull parts to this book. Even though this story is pretty much Cami and Drake getting ready to approach the Centaur Coucil there is so much going on, so many pov's taking place all over the world that there was always something going on to keep your interest.

I cannot wait to find out what happens next. There's only 2 more books left in this story and so far it's been a really fun ride.
  "A prisoner dreams of freedom. Life without you is a slow death sentence to me. If you refuse me I'll die alone. My betrothal is over whether you choose to stay with me or not." -Brent

Previous reviews from Touched
Blood Debt  

Centaur Legacy


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Kristin!! I love, love, LOVE, your review!! You Rock!!


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