Monday, May 6, 2013

Excerpt, Interview & Giveaway: Time Changes Everything by Melinda Dozier

Time Changes Everything
By: Melinda Dozier
Release Date: Entranced Publishing
Published: May 13, 2013
Genre: Romance

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Amanda Larson is dedicated to her job and doesn't want to make time for anything else. Until she runs into Jake Edwards. He used to be the cute boy next door; now he's a sexy, big shot lawyer.

Jake Edwards isn't interested in commitment. He's successful, sexy, and single--and that's how he likes it. When he reconnects with Amanda, Jake realizes he might have to rethink his philosophy on the carefree, bachelor lifestyle.

But, is it too late for them? Or can he convince her that he's ready to give her his heart?


In high school, Amanda was someone special. Hell, even before then. Their parents were best friends, which had forced Jake and Amanda together. At first, he’d thought it was a hindrance. Later, when she developed longer legs and a bigger bust, he found himself around her more. After discovering her quirkiness, her love of art and her sense of humor, he actually enjoyed being around her. But he never touched her.

He contemplated running his fingers through her hair like he did his first year of college –– the last time they were alone –– the night he left town and never saw her again.

Did she remember the night he left? Of course she did. Seven years ago, he’d ruined their friendship. He knew Amanda almost as well as he knew himself. Well, he’d known her. Now she was a different woman.

Jake leaned in closer, running his hand down her arm. “Know what I’m thinking?”

Amanda fiddled with her coaster and smiled at him. “I’m not sure I want to know.”

“I’m thinking we should spend a lot more time together.” He reached over and held her chin. “It’s been way too long.”

Amanda licked her lips, and damn it, it actually turned him on. Sweet little Mandy Larson wasn’t so sweet anymore. She was driving him crazy.

She moved closer bridging distance. “Why wait? There’s no time like the present.”

“Exactly.” He drank the last of his beer as the waiter returned with her martini sans olive.

Jake leaned on the table with his elbows, folded his hands together and studied her. “Look at you, drinking a martini, living the life in New York City.” He examined her from head to toe. “A sexy skirt. Tall boots.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “A beautiful face.”

Amanda hiccupped and put down her glass. “Now, wait a minute. I know it’s been a while, but some things never change, including you.” She wagged her finger at him. “No smooth talking with me. Don’t forget I used to know you better than anybody.”

Because his fingers actually ached with the need to touch her again, he reached over and held her hand. “Yeah, but things have changed, Mandy. We’re two different people now, and I can’t wait to get to know who you are now.”

Reading romance has always been at the top of Melinda’s favorite past times. After hectic days of teaching English to middle school students, Melinda finds time to write and read in the evenings. She lives in Guatemala, Central America with her husband, three boys and German Sheppard. She enjoys being the queen of her household and dreams of being pampered fully by her boys once they are grown. Melinda loves reality TV., traveling, blogging and playing Words With Friends.

Thank you for stopping by today. For those who are not familiar with Time Changes Everything, do you mind telling our readers a little bit about it?
Hello and thank you for having me today! Time Changes Everything is a friends to lovers story. Jake and Amanda have known each other pretty much their whole lives. But when they run into one another in New York City, their teenage crushes turn into something much steamier – and they soon realize time changes everything. 

Release day is one week away, May 13. Don’t miss it!

What inspired you to write this book?
Time Changes Everything is a special book, because it’s my first completed romance novel. I’ve been an avid romance reader since I was a teenager and I’ve had a goal to write and publish one day. Jake and Amanda started to talk to me in my dreams – yes, I know that sounds weird – and basically told me they would drive me crazy until I wrote their story. They wanted their happily ever after and insisted I write it.

Amanda sounds like quite a workaholic. Would you say that you fall under that category as well?
Definitely! I’m a teacher by day and a writer by night – oh and in between I’m a wife and mother which is a whole job itself. Somehow, I juggle it all and I’m very happy. Maybe there is a bit of me in Amanda after all. Amanda is driven and successful. She works hard, but eventually finds time for love.

I noticed that you have another book coming out, would you mind telling us a little bit about it?
Yes! Breaking the Rules will be released in July by Crimson Romance. This book is closer to home since it’s about a klutzy middle school principal who always follows the rules. Hope Robinson is very much like me in that sense. She meets Doctor Colin Calaway, a widower and father of a student, who pushes her to “break the rules” and follow her heart.

You are stopping by Book Sniffers Anonymous after all so I must ask... are you a book sniffer?
I absolutely LOVE books and I’m always sniffing around for the best reads. My faves are from Jill Shalvis and Shannon Stacey.

We always end our reviews with our favorite quote/part from the book and I know with Time Changes Everything being your baby, it will be hard to choose but what is your favorite part or quote?
This is totally not fair. I love it all! I had a lot of fun writing a long-distance sex scene. Sounds intriguing, right? I also love Jake and Amanda’s first kiss – especially since Jake, the non-commitment type, is the one to push for it. Here’s a teeny-weeny teaser:

He scooted her back and put his arms around her, holding onto the counter. “We both feel it. Don’t give me any of that friends crap, Mandy. We’ve grown up. Things change. And I bet you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you right now.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This sounds good, I like stories about people getting reacquainted as adutls

    1. Thanks Vegan YA Nerds! I hope you check it out!

  2. Thanks for having me at Book Sniffers today!

  3. Oh this sounds really good. I want to get to know him better lol. Great excerpt and interview and thanks for the giveaway :)

    1. Jake is definitely a man you want to get to know. Hope you check it out next week!

  4. I am so excited to read this book! I'll definitely be picking it up on Monday!

  5. Can't wait for Monday! Great interview, too!

  6. Okay, I'm a sucker for first kisses. Great interview, Melinda. Can't wait to read this =)

  7. Loved the excerpt and interview! Thanks for the intro for another great Author to add to my reading list!


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