Sunday, April 7, 2013

Review: Rush Me by Allison Parr

Rush Me
By: Allison Parr
Publisher: Carina Press
Release Date: April 8, 2013
Genre: New Adult

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

When post-grad Rachael Hamilton accidentally gatecrashes a pro-athlete party, she ends up face-to-face with Ryan Carter, the NFL’s most beloved quarterback.

While most girls would be thrilled to meet the attractive young millionaire, Rachael would rather spend time with books than at sporting events, and she has more important things to worry about than romance. Like her parents pressuring her to leave her unpaid publishing internship for law school. Or her brother, who’s obliviously dating Rachael’s high school bully. Or that same high school’s upcoming reunion.

Still, when Ryan’s rookie teammate attaches himself to Rachael, she ends up cohosting Friday night dinners for half a dozen football players.

Over pancake brunches, charity galas, and Alexander the Great Rachael realizes all the judgments she’d made about Ryan are wrong. But how can a Midwestern Irish-Catholic jock with commitment problems and an artsy, gun-shy Jewish New Englander ever forge a partnership? Rachael must let down her barriers if she wants real love–even if that opens her up to pain that could send her back into her emotional shell forever.

I loved the beginning of the story. Rachael walks into the wrong party when out with her roommate. She walks in on Ryan Carter being serviced and quickly realizes that she's in over her head and can't seem to get out through the sea of people in the main room. Ryan, thinking she's a groupie, seeks her out and that's were things started to go down hill for me.

I've never read a book where the main character was a such a bitch. I could see her being defensive when Ryan assumes she's at the party to hook up with a famous football star but then she just continued to be rude the entire time. It isn't until about 75% through the book that she started to ease up on Ryan. She insults him at every turn and gets even more prickly when he gets snippy with her for being rude to him. It just really turned me off from the story.

As for Ryan, yes he was egotistical at the beginning. He's used to having women throw themselves at him just so they can say they bagged the NFL superstar. So it's no surprised that he doesn't believe that Rachael accidentally stumbled into the wrong party or that she really forgot her scarf there without an ulterior motive. But, he soon realizes that she's not out for the fame and money, and yet she still continues to be a bitch to him.

It was an entertaining read but if Rachael wasn't so mean the entire time, I probably would have loved this story. I seem to really fall for the Cinderella type stories that involve superstars. Unfortunately, the main character really ruined the story for me. 

"What did they tell you to do, glare smolderingly? You look like you're trying to set something on fire with your mind, Mr. Jedi." -Rachael

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