Monday, April 1, 2013

Review: Protecting What's His by Tessa Bailey

Protecting What's His
(Line of Duty, #1)
By: Tessa Bailey
Publisher: Brazen
Published: Feb. 23, 2013
Genre: Romance

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

She’s running from the law, and the law wants her bad.

The opportunity was just too damn delicious for Ginger Peet to pass up. The purse full of money she finds—$50,000 to be exact—could give her and her teen sister the new start they need. So she grabs the cash, her gothy sibling, and their life-sized statue of Dolly Parton, and blows outta Nashville in a cloud of dust. Chicago, here we come...

Turns out, Chicago has some pretty hot cops. Hot, intense, naughty-lookin’ cops like Derek Tyler, who looks like he could eat a girl up and leave her begging for more. And more. Tempting as he is, getting involved with the sexy homicide lieutenant next door poses a teensy problem for a gal who’s on the lam. But one thing is certain—Derek’s onto her, and he wants more than just a taste.

And as far as he’s concerned, possession is nine-tenths of the law.

I normally find myself on the fence when it comes to contemporary romances. I either love em or hate em. I think it all has to do with the reason why I read books to begin with, which is to escape reality. And that's kind of hard to do when I'm reading about Jane moving from a small town into the big city, while trying to figure out who she is as a woman. I'm not saying those books are bad or anything, but I usually find myself bored. So when I saw this one, I thought, "should I or shouldn't I?", but with the leading hero being a lieutenant and the leading lady not only stealing money but taking her kid sister and running away, I thought, "this sounds like it could be scandalously delicious" and it was!

The climatic part was not one that I had envisioned which was a nice surprise if not a bit dumb on the main characters part(sorry no spoilers). However, I liked that what I thought was going to be the big "oh no" moment, was something totally opposite.

But what I really enjoyed from this story were the characters. Ginger is a quick witted smart mouthed woman who has been dealt a shitty hand in life and has learned to keep herself and her sister afloat. She'd do anything to keep her little sister safe. Not to mention that Willow is a very smart girl and isn't shy to voice her opinion and call someone out for their stupidity. These two sisters make a hilarious duo.

"Did he just hear one of them call the other donkey-queef?"

Derek is mega dog Alpha. If you think about it, it fits since after all, he is the lieutenant of the homicide police unit. If you're going to be in charge of a group of men, your gonna have Alpha traits and boy does Derek have those traits.

"Oh boy, did her lieutenant ever love dirty talk. She delighted in knowing his weakness. He likely spent all day at work maintaining that resolute control, but around her, the sexually charged bad boy took over."

Even though he's vocal with what he wants and plans to do with Ginger, it never felt rushed or scripted. I usually find myself turned off by dirty talk in books because it can sound so out of place and skeevy. I even didn't mind that Derek called Ginger "baby", and we all know how I feel when the characters start getting all "who's my cuddly wuddly shnookums?" *Gag*

I'm pretty happy that I got a chance to read Tessa's debut novel. It's a great story with quite a bit of yummy dirty talk to keep any smut loving reader flipping pages. I love that this is part of a series and I cannot wait to read the next book.

"The longer it takes me to get between your thighs, the rougher I'm going to be when I finally get there. Understand?" -Derek

Tessa lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and young daughter. When she isn't writing or reading romance, Tessa enjoys a good argument and thirty-minute recipes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dang. I've been wanting to read this one and omg you've made me want to read it even more now! I love a good dirty talker and damn that last quote so has me on board!

    Great review Kristin!


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