Saturday, April 13, 2013

Review: Mr. Wham Bam by Alexandra O'Hurley

Mr. Wham Bam
By: Alexandra O'Hurley
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Published: Oct. 8, 2012
Genre: Romance

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Kensington Clarke is career-driven and completely focused, so when she meets Jace, or as her friends call him, Mr. Wham, Bam, Thank You, Ma’am, she ignores the attraction she feels. His charm is wasted on her. She doesn’t want to be another notch in his bedpost and doesn’t have time for his attentions, even if he’s the sexiest man she’s ever seen and the mere mention of his name makes her panties wet. Romantic entanglements just aren’t on the agenda.

Jace Briarfield is accustomed to women throwing themselves at his feet. He’s not egotistical; it’s just a horrible fact of life. All the women are the same and only want him for his face, his package, and his bank account, not the man he is inside. When he meets Kensington, he knows she’s different from the rest, especially when she ignores him. Having to chase a woman is a new experience, but one he is prepared to face head-on. He’s ready to be the relationship kind of guy.

When a drunken text from Kensington starts them on a roller coaster of emotional and sexual combat, he doesn’t do the obvious thing, much to Kensington’s chagrin. She wakes up in his bed, hung-over and grumpy, ready to run from him once more.

Jace refuses to let her hide again, making her face the assumptions that threaten to ruin their chance at happiness. Will she ever let down her walls and let Mr. Wham, Bam, Thank You, Ma’am catch her?

This is a short story about an insecure woman named Kenzie and a womanizing player, Jace. Since their first introduction Jace has been intrigued by Kenzie. She doesn't seem like the other women he's been with. She doesn't seem interested in his money, or his body. In fact she makes it known that she wants nothing to do with him but even though she's saying one thing, her eyes tell a different story.

There are no surprises in this story. It starts off with Kenzie drunk-texting Jace while at a club. When he realizes how plastered she is, he swings by and picks her up. She insists he take her back to his place but when he does she ends up passing out. The next morning she is embarrassed by her actions and is ready to flee the moment she wakes up. Only Jace is ready for the night that she promised.

There was a definite theme to this book and that was the word assumption. And actually, that word is brought up a lot in the book as well. You see Kenzie assumes that Jace is just going nail and bail, when actually he is looking for a future with Kenzie. Her assumption continually ruins things with Jace. Both immediately after the hook up and every time they meet then after.

I think the story was just too short for me to feel for the characters. I wanted to like them but I found myself a little bored during the story. I will say that I liked that the author wrote Kenzie as an average woman and not as a bean pole model though.

"Did you ever think that's what I saw in yours, Kensington? Did you ever for one second think that maybe I saw the same emotions reflected back at me when I looked at you? That;s why I pursued you. You had the same lonely, hungry look to you, the same look I see in the mirror every damned morning. Yes, I'm lonely. And I want you to help me stop feeling like this."

1 comment:

  1. Bummer. I have such a hard time with the really short ones like this. So hard to really get into it because it moves so fast and then is just over. I do like that quote though. The last little bit totally caught me. I love when the hero just puts it all out there.


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