Monday, April 29, 2013

Review: Falke's Renegade by Madison Layle & Anna Leigh Keaton

Falke's Renegade
(Puma Nights, #3)
By: Madison Layle & Anna Leigh Keaton
Publisher: Carina Press
Published: April 22, 2013
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

Veterinarian Heidi Falke can tell that something isn't as it seems when she rescues an injured jaguar. Black jaguars aren't native to the area, and as a Falke, Heidi knows that some men can walk in the shape of a beast...literally. She won't let this seductive shapeshifter leave without getting some answers.

Javier Montero is on a mission: find the shapeshifter who killed his family and get the justice he deserves. This unexpected detour won't put him off for long, and what he has with Heidi can't be anything more than sex--even if it does feel different from anything he's ever known.

With Javier, Heidi discovers passion she never thought possible. She wants their connection to lead to a future together. Javier made a vow never to mate again after his loss...but if he wants to keep Heidi in his life, he'll have to decide how far he'll go for vengeance.

I have not read the other books in the series but had no problem with jumping right in. This story is primarily about Javier and Heidi but you do meet Heidi's family which is where the previous books focused on. Four of her brothers are mated but even though Heidi is a shifter, she's never shifted. Which means that she can marry but she will never have kids unless she mates with another shifter, but she's never even met a shifter outside her family. That is, until an injured male jaguar is plopped into her lap.

There is nothing shocking or surprising to this story. I knew how everything was going to play out the second I started the book, but it was an enjoyable read regardless. Javier was definitely an interesting character. He's fighting the demons from his past. He feels he failed his mate and his brother when they were killed in his absence. So when he starts developing feelings for Heidi, he feels like he's dishonoring his wife by moving on. He was also the alpha of his family, so when Heidi brings him home to a house filled with males, he refuses to cower as a submissive but he also knows not to challenge them either.

Even though you don't need to read the previous stories in this series, I think I may go back and start from the beginning. The author has a writing style that I highly enjoy. She gives the reader a good mix of show and tell. There isn't a lot of filler or random ramblings in this story, just a great shifter romance.

This quote shows how much, Javier is driven by revenge.

"Once his revenge was exacted, he could crawl into a hole and die, join his family in the afterlife, for all he cared"


1 comment:

  1. Oh yes. This one definitely sounds like one I need to read! Just added it to the shopping list :) I always enjoy those shifters that can't shift and a hero that has to let go of the past. Breaks my heart but makes ya love em a bit more I think.

    Thanks for the heads up on this one! I hadn't seen the series before so am all excited now to have a new one to try out :)



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